« Ground floor, ground floor and sky level ! ». This is the new vocabulary used to define the spaces of a neighborhood that develops vertically. The “city floor” corresponds to the active common base of the district, in direct connection with the ground and the public spaces of the city ; it accommodates shops and provides access to upper levels. The “ground floor” is an intermediate level located between 15 and 20 m high ; it is a semi-public space with controlled access, which occupies the roofs of the lowest buildings bordering the future Place Méridia. These accessible roof terraces are connected by a system of overhead walkways. Finally, at the level of the highest roofs, the “ground floor” allows residents to enjoy convivial spaces and views.
The Joia Méridia project is the result of teamwork initiated during the “Destination Méridia” call for projects, launched by the EPA Eco-Vallée Plaine du Var in 2016. The project management team, coordinated by Lambert Lénack, includes six architects, a landscape designer, an artist, seven specialist consultants, two promoters and two social landlords. The choice to entrust to a single landscaper, Alain Faragou, the design of the outdoor spaces of the different lots (gardens, patios and roofs) as well as to commission an artist, Carsten Höller, to create aerial walkways connecting the accessible roofs, reinforces the coherence of the project and the architectural, urban and landscape bias.
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